
Aus Star Citizen Wiki

Die Dokumentation für dieses Modul kann unter Modul:VehicleWeapon/Data/doc erstellt werden

local data = {}

--- Translate weapon type to german text
local typeTranslations = {
    [ 'Laser Cannon' ]          = 'Laser-Kanone',
    [ 'Plasma Scattergun' ]     = 'Plasma-Splitterkanone',
    [ 'Ballistic Gatling' ]     = 'Ballistische Gatling',
    [ 'Ballistic Scattergun' ]  = 'Ballistische Scattergun',
    [ 'Mass Driver Cannon' ]    = 'Massentreiber-Kanone',
    [ 'Distortion Repeater' ]   = 'Verzerrungs-Repeater',
    [ 'Tachyon Cannon' ]        = 'Tachyon-Kanone',
    [ 'Ballistic Cannon' ]      = 'Ballistische Kanone',
    [ 'Ballistic Repeater' ]    = 'Ballistischer Repetierer',
    [ 'Distortion Cannon' ]     = 'Distortion-Kanone',
    [ 'Laser Repeater' ]        = 'Laser-Repetierer',
    [ 'Laser Scattergun' ]      = 'Laser-Streukanone',
    [ 'Neutron Cannon' ]        = 'Neutronenkanone',
    [ 'Neutron Repeater' ]      = 'Neutronen-Repetierer',
    [ 'Distortion Scattergun' ] = 'Verzerrungs-Scattergun',
    [ 'Plasma Canon' ]          = 'Plasma-Kanone',
    [ 'Tractor Beam' ]          = 'Traktorstrahl',
    [ 'Rocket Pod' ]            = 'Raketenkapsel',

--- Translate weapon class to german text
local classTranslations = {
    [ 'Unknown Class' ]   = 'Unbekannte Klasse',

data.typeTranslations = typeTranslations
data.classTranslations = classTranslations

return data
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