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Comm-Link:19172 - This Week in Star Citizen

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This Week in Star Citizen (19172)

This Week in Star Citizen 03/13/2023 - 12:30 PM

Happy Monday, everyone! Star Citizen Alpha 3.18: Lasting Legacies has launched to the live servers. This significant release represents a crucial milestone for the project, as it introduces the implementation of Persistent Entity Streaming (PES), a vital core scalable technology crucial for Server Meshing and the entire Star Citizen experience. We want to express our immense gratitude to our community who provided invaluable feedback during the PTU testing phase, which helped us get this one out the door. We knew that a live release was necessary to continue testing at a scale only possible in the live environment. Since releasing, hundreds of thousands of you have turned up to check out the latest update. However, we understand that many of you are currently encountering issues preventing you from logging in, and for those who are able to get in, you may be experiencing a less than ideal gameplay experience. First, we would like to apologize for the turbulence and frustration that many of you have experienced since release. While we anticipated that there might be some initial hiccups with the launch, and tried to set expectations accordingly, it is still unacceptable to us that so many of you have been unable to enjoy 3.18 properly. Please note that we're all hands on deck working to get remaining issues resolved, and getting things running smoothly as quickly as possible. While we've already seen improvements in many areas, there's still more work to do, and the right people are on it. In the meantime, we'd like to take a moment to highlight some vital resources at your disposal:

Server Status PageThis page is your one-stop-shop for the latest updates on the current state of the game. We'll continue to update this page regularly, so check back often - especially if you're experiencing an issue related to connectivity or stability.

Known Issues ListThis Knowledge Base page is dedicated to highlighting the top known issues that many of you are experiencing. Most importantly it also houses any known workarounds or updates related to said issues.

Issue CouncilIt's likely that the issues you are experiencing are already reported on the Issue Council. Make sure to head over and contribute or submit a bug of your own.

Once again, we want to thank you all for your patience and support. Rest assured that we're aware of the current issues and working diligently to get them addressed so that we can all dive in and enjoy the new and exciting content in Alpha 3.18, such as the long-awaited introduction of Salvage, the Cargo Refactor, new race tracks, locations, and more.

Now, let's see what's going on this week: This Tuesday, the Narrative team will post a Whitley's Guide on the 300 Series, originally debuted in Jump Point for subscribers.

Thursday on Inside Star Citizen, we dive deep into the modular mission system, the modular system that allows missions to be made modularly. They explain it better in the episode.

This Friday, join us for Star Citizen Live on Twitch! Guests and times to be announced later this week. You'll also receive our weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox. Have a fantastic week, and see you in the 'verse!

Jake Bradley Community Manager


MONDAY, MARCH 13, 2023 This Week in Star Citizen

TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2023 Lore Post: Whitley's Guide - 300 Series

THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2023 Inside Star Citizen (@RobertsSpaceInd)

FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 2023 Star Citizen Live (

Weekly Newsletter

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