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Comm-Link:18981 - This Week in Star Citizen

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This Week in Star Citizen (18981)

This Week in Star Citizen 11/07/2022 - 10:00 PM

Happy Monday, everyone! Last week we had the pleasure of announcing the winners of two contests. Creativity and incredible attention to detail were evident in both the CitizenCon 2952 DIY Ship Model Contest and this year's Pumpkin Carving Contest. Congratulations again to the winners, and thank you for all the exciting entries.

As announced in the recent Bar Citizen Comm-Link, we visited Chicago and Madrid last weekend as part of the Bar Citizen World Tour. Thanks to all participants for the warm and cordial welcome. It was great to see many new friendships being born, with some of you meeting your fellow co-pilots in person for the very first time. That's the spirit of Bar Citizen events.

Now, let's see what's going on this week: This Tuesday, the Narrative team will publish an article detailing how the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (IAE) evolved from a small hobbyist event into the ultimate celebration of ships and the tech that makes interstellar flight possible.

As a follow-up to the ISC episode, The Cargo Show, we're going to be hosting an AMA on the Cargo Refactor with Dan Griffis and Chad McKinney at 8am Pacific / 4pm UTC on Spectrum. A dedicated thread will be open ahead of the AMA, so you can post your questions on the topic. We'll then have Dan and Chad answer questions for about an hour in public replies.

On Wednesday, we’ll publish last week’s Squadron 42 Monthly Report newsletter as a comm-link. Get all the latest development info a week earlier by subscribing to the Squadron 42 newsletter.

Wednesday also has the latest Roadmap Update and Roadmap Roundup.

Thursday's Inside Star Citizen is an environment-themed look at several of the new locations coming online in upcoming patches.

Friday's Star Citizen Live follows up with even more location-based goodness with our friends at Turbulent. You can catch the show LIVE on Twitch at 8am Pacific, 4pm UTC.

You’ll also receive our weekly Newsletter delivered to your inbox, and Subscribers can look forward to an update to the Subscriber Vault.

And on Saturday, ATMO esports and Tobii are teaming up for the Fight or Flight. This 2v2 dogfighting tournament pits eight content creators against each other in random ship loadouts for maximum carnage. Don’t miss it on November 12 at 18:00 UTC.

Have a stellar week both in and out of the 'verse!

Christian Schmitt aka Wayne-CIG

Community Manager


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2022 This Week in Star Citizen

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2022 Cargo Refactor Spectrum AMA

Lore Post

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2022 SQ42 Monthly Report October Comm-Link Repost

Roadmap Update

Roadmap Roundup

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 Inside Star Citizen

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2022 Star Citizen Live (

Weekly Newsletter

Subscriber Vault Update

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2022 Fight or Flight

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