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Comm-Link:18822 - This Week in Star Citizen

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This Week in Star Citizen (18822)

This Week in Star Citizen 08/08/2022 - 7:00 PM

Happy Monday, everyone! Dynamic Events Siege of Orison and Jumptown 2.0 are in full swing and will continue to rule the Stanton system until later this week. Don't miss your chance to get involved in exciting battles, both against the Nine Tails gang and your fellow Citizens.

All events listed below will run for 24 hours (with a short period between each to make the switch) starting at midnight UTC (5pm Pacific the previous day).

August 8 - Siege of Orison

August 9 - Jumptown 2.0

August 10 - Siege of Orison

August 11 - Siege of Orison

As you fight through Crusader's Inspiration Park, securing buildings, guiding friends, and executing your next onslaught, make sure to take plenty of pictures for the Siege of Orison Screenshot Contest. The most action-packed screenshots will be rewarded with great prizes, so get going!

In addition, we announced the return of fan-favorite Ship Showdown, coming to you on August 15! So, while you're out their laying siege to your enemies in our latest dynamic events, take the excellent opportunity to put your favorite vehicle through its paces and collect epic screenshots/video for the upcoming Showdown.

Now, let's see what's going on this week: On Tuesday, the Narrative Team publishes Bremen Beltway, an article that dives into the history behind the secret route that successfully smuggled political dissidents out of the Messer controlled UEE and into Xi'an space.

Then on Wednesday, we will publish last week's July Squadron 42 Monthly Report as a Comm-link.

On Thursday, we've got an All-Vehicle Sprint Report edition of Inside Star Citizen leading up to next week's Ship Showdown.

On Friday, you'll see an update to the Subscriber Vault and the weekly RSI Newsletter delivered to your inbox. Finally, we have a new episode of Star Citizen Live, which will broadcast on our Star Citizen Twitch channel . Martin Milz, master of the Star Kart Racetrack, will join us for a Gamedev episode building a new track with player feedback at 3pm UTC/8am Pacific.

Have a stellar week both in and out of the 'verse!

Christian Schmitt aka Wayne-CIG

Community Manager


MONDAY, AUGUST 08, 2022 This Week in Star Citizen

TUESDAY, AUGUST 09, 2022 Lore Post - Bremen Beltway

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2022 SQ42 Monthly Report Comm-link Repost

THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 Inside Star Citizen (

FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 Star Citizen Live (

Weekly Newsletter

Subscriber Vault Update

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