Comm-Link:18041 - Tumbril Cyclone MT

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Tumbril Cyclone MT (18041)

Tumbril Cyclone MT The Tumbril Cyclone MT is drivable now!

The Cyclone MT is the latest in Tumbril’s line of ground-based assault vehicles. Building on the agile off-road platform of the base variant, the MT adds two surface-to-air missile launchers and a ballistic cannon to keep airborne assailants at bay.

Discover everything about Tumbril’s latest in the Cyclone MT Q&A with the vehicle’s developers.

The all newTumbril Cyclone MTThis sale has ended. This vehicle may become available in future events, such as Invictus Launch Week and the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo. Please browse our other ships on the pledge store.

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