Comm-Link:17565 - Star Citizen - Esperia Tevarin Talon

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Star Citizen - Esperia Tevarin Talon (17565)

Tevarin Talon Light Fighter Strike Hard & Fade Away The hit-and-run icon, remastered for the modern age

The Legend Grows Representing our unyielding commitment to history, unprecedented archeological access, and cutting-edge modern engineering, Esperia is proud to present our near-perfect recreation of the infamous Talon – a piece of the past that you can fly today.

Two Models of Tevarin Tech Remastered Shrike Talon Iconic Features Hit-and-Run The history books are filled with accounts from the Tevarin wars of the uniquely effective attack methods and formations employed by Talon pilots - near-synchronous strikes, maximizing each attacker’s strength as part of a greater combined assault. The Talon was the linchpin of this surgically precise mayhem. Esperia has resurrected this infamous hit-and-run icon for the modern era.

Legendary Design The Talon represents Esperia's continuing effort to preserve historically significant Tevarin ship designs and update them for practical Human use. Utilizing the close consultation of both Tevarin and Human pilots and historians, we offer an unparalleled level of authenticity, faithful to the last detail.

Traditional Shields Inspired by the original Tevarin "phalanx" shields, the Talon is equipped with proprietary focused shield generators, providing ample coverage and unprejudiced projectile deterrence. When deployed in force, frontline ships outfitted with these shields can provide crucial cover for following waves of ships and troops.

Escape Plan Borne out of a culture of fighters, the Esperia Talon, just like the original, is built for battle. And anyone who's logged hours behind the stick of a fighter can attest that combat is anything but predictable. The cockpit's ability to launch as an escape pod encapsulates the Tevarin spirit of never backing down from a fight.

Fury Unleashed Developed during the Second Tevarin War with a modified, missile-focused offensive configuration, and reimagined for modern Human use here at Esperia, the infamous Shrike variant model is armed with an authentic internal missile racks capable of unleashing lethal barrages of projectiles that add a devastating lethality to hit-and-run tactics.

All the images Specs Meticulously recreated to flawlessly emulate the original.

Discover An Icon Download the brochure Read the brochure Choose Yours Now Tevarin Talon This sale has ended. These ships will become available in future events, such as Invictus Launch Week and the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo. Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed. Please browse our other ships on the pledge store.

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