Comm-Link:17256 - Ship Showdown - Let the Battle Commence!

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Ship Showdown - Let the Battle Commence! (17256)

Head to Head You submitted amazing creations, you campaigned on Twitter, you voiced your support for your favorite flyable ships in the ‘verse. Now, the dust has settled and your top sixteen ships have emerged, ready to prove themselves as the Ship Showdown kicks into high gear. Each day at 12pm Pacific, we’re pitting two ships from the top sixteen against each other in a head-to-head battle. Cast your vote and see if your ship of choice advances to the next round. Every ship battling it out in the Showdown bracket is available in the pledge store, with the limited/exclusive competitors unlocked to provide curious voters the chance to experience them. They will only be obtainable until they are knocked out of contention however, so be sure to keep up with the day-to-day action. Get out there and vote, citizens. And remember, the ships that make it to the final four may see some fun surprises coming their way before the year is out. * The 890 Jump will only have limited availability each day.

Your top 16 - 300i - 600i Explorer - 890 Jump - Avenger Titan - Caterpillar - Constellation Aquila - Cutlass Black - Dragonfly - Freelancer MAX - Freelancer MIS - Gladius - Hammerhead - Reclaimer - Retaliator Bomber - Valkyrie - Vanguard Warden

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