Comm-Link:17247 - Ship Showdown: A Champion Has Been Crowned!

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Ship Showdown: A Champion Has Been Crowned! (17247)

A Month-Long Birthday Celebration of Galactic Proportions Head-to-head voting has begun! Click here for more info. The community has spoken the winner of the Ship Showdown is The Drake Caterpillar The smoke has cleared, and Drake Interplanetary's versatile, tenacious freighter has emerged victorious, leaving the smoldering wreckage of several proud vessels in its wake. The Caterpillar bested the 600i, took down the dexterous Avenger Titan, swash-buckled its way past its popular cousin the Cutlass, and finally beat down the monstrous Reclaimer to secure its place in aerospace infamy now and forever. Power to the people indeed. Tournament overview Battle on everyday Whitley's Guide with Jax McCleary Coming this fall to Terra Spectrum Broadcasting, the galaxy's most trusted name in gear reviews. Don't miss the special Intergalactic Aerospace Expo premier - November 24, 2949.

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