Comm-Link:13333 - F7C Hornet Coming Soon

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F7C Hornet Coming Soon (13333)

Greetings Citizens, The Cloud Imperium team is hard at work tonight putting the finishing touches on the Anvil Aerospace Hornet brochure, commercial and Hangar Module patch. You’ll find out all about the Hornet lineup soon… but for now, we thought we’d share a few beauty shots of the hardware!

There have been some questions about why it has taken so long to launch the Hornet when the military version appeared in Star Citizen’s very first trailer. The answer is that this is a completely new Hornet. In the last two months uprezzed and remodeled the ship to our new, higher game standards. Take a look at this comparison shot, with the original F7A Hornet on the left and the fully rebuilt version on the right. All of that had to be done before we can even begin producing the commercial or creating individual parts for variants or rigging the ships in the game engine! We’re constantly improving our game assets to make sure they’re the best in the business; in this case, that meant rebuilding every virtual nut and bolt on the Hornet! Building a ship like the Hornet is a labor of love: we don’t churn out spacecraft en-mass like a factory, we work to perfect them like artists.

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