Comm-Link:13211 - Fan Spotlight: International Edition

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Fan Spotlight: International Edition (13211)

As the Star Citizen team prepares to head to Germany for the big Gamescom presentation, we’d like to celebrate some of our great international fans! Space sims are loved around the world and a great many Star Citizen fans are working hard to get the latest news about the game available in their native tongues. Here are four great sites for Star Citizen information in other languages:

.Be a Star Citizen (Dutch) Star Citizen news and information for the Netherlands and Belgium! The site features a great community with active forums. It doesn’t hurt that their site’s name is a great pun. Communauté Francophone (French) The French-speaking Star Citizen community is doing a great job posting the latest news and even translating important Comm-Links from the RSI site! Their forum is a great place for French-speaking fans to come together to talk about the game.

Star Citizen Italia (Italian) The Italian Star Citizen community is also active, with a very well designed website that provides all kinds of information about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. With news updates and forums, this is a great place for Italian fans.

Star Citizen Wiki (German) With the team headed to Cologne, Germany next week, the German Star Citizen Wiki will be an important point of reference! The German-speaking community has cultivated a great website with all the details about Star Citizen we’ve released so far.

Do you know of a great international Star Citizen fan site? Let us know here and we’ll feature it in a future Fan Spotlight!

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