Comm-Link:13149 - Gamescom RSVP

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Gamescom RSVP (13149)

Greetings Citizens,

As previously announced, the Star Citizen team will be attending Gamescom 2013 in Cologne, Germany next month. We aren’t just talking to the press and meeting with Crytek and other partners, though… we’re throwing a party for the fans! This is your chance to meet the developers, check out the hangar module and celebrate your achievement with other Star Citizens.

Where The event will take place at the Alter Wartesaal in Cologne on Saturday, August 24th.

Map and Directions

When Doors will open for subscribers, Golden Ticket holders and concierge members at 7 PM local time. All other backers can arrive starting at 8 PM! The team will be on hand to interact with you until 1 AM.

What to Bring If you have a Citizen Card please bring it or wear your T-shirt! (We would like to see people bring their cards/shirts, but it is not required). We will have a special raffle for card holders and you’ll have plenty of chances to pose with Chris Roberts and the team in your Star Citizen attire. Food and drinks will be available for purchase.

Many of you have kindly offered gifts for the team. Unfortunately, since we’re flying back to the United States the next day we are unable to accept anything at the event. We truly appreciate the thought, though!

Who’s Coming Chris Roberts – Founder & Chief Executive Officer Ortwin Freyermuth – Co-Founder & General Counsel Eric Peterson – President of Production Sandi Gardiner – Vice President of Marketing Rob Irving – Lead Designer David Swofford – Public Relations Michael Morlan – Media Producer Travis Day – Associate Producer Ben Lesnick – Community Manager

Trophy To help cover the cost of the event, we’ve created a “Gamescom 2943” trophy you can display in your hangar. Eventually, your trophy case will include everything from hard-won battle wreckage to racing awards… but for now, it will be a great way to show how you’ve been active in the community! The Gamescom trophies will be available for purchase for $5 in the RSI store through the event… and after that, they’re gone forever!

Register Event capacity is 1,000 and German law requires a strict door list, which means this event is Backers only. Registrants must be 18+. To register your attendance, please let us know in the poll below. Our system will know what level of backer you are, so there’s no need to enter additional information. Every attendee must RSVP themselves.

Please RSVP by Friday, July 26th, 2013.

We’re sorry, registration for this event is now full. Poll is closed.

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