Comm-Link:13066 - E3 Roundup: Fans and Press!

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E3 Roundup: Fans and Press! (13066)

Gamestar Interview

German magazine Gamestar caught up with Chris Roberts during E3 for a video interview! If you ever needed a great explanation of why Star Citizen isn’t a “pay to win” game, this is it. Check it out below (the introduction is in German, but the interview is in English!)

Where’s Chris?! The press wasn’t the only one who found Chris at E3. We were excited to hear about Chris’ very first random Star Citizen t-shirt encounter! He encountered Samuel Molina (@fukuy) wearing a Squadron 42 t-shirt on the floor at E3. We’re excited to see who’ll run into Chris wearing a Star Citizen shirt next (outside of a Cloud Imperium event like the livestream or Gamescom)… so we’re offering an Aurora LX to the first person who does! Wear those shirts and help promote the game!

Wingman’s Hangar

Check back tomorrow at 11 AM CST (-5 GMT) for an all-new episode of Wingman’s Hangar! Wingman will be interviewing Community Manager/Designer Ben Lesnick. Then get ready for the big ORIGIN 300i reveal, coming later in the day! You won’t want to miss this.

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