
Aus Star Citizen Wiki
Modul Dokumentation[view][edit][history][purge]
Diese Dokumentation wird von Modul:Portfolio/doc aus übernommen. Änderungen können auf der Diskussionsseite vorgeschlagen werden.

local Portfolio = {}

local metatable = {}
local methodtable = {}

metatable.__index = methodtable

-- Extensions
local infobox = require( 'Module:InfoboxNeue' )
local common = require( 'Module:Common' )

--- Creates the infobox
function methodtable.getInfoBox( self )
	local smwData = self:getSmwData()
	local title = string.format( 'Portfolio: %s', self.frameArgs[ 'Name' ] )

    -- Set Title of page
    common.setDisplayTitle( self.currentFrame, title )
    -- Add as link
    title = string.format( '[[%s]] - Portfolio', self.frameArgs[ 'Name' ] )

    local box = infobox:new( {
        removeEmpty = true,
    } )

    box:renderImage( self.frameArgs[ 'Bild' ] )

	box:renderHeader( { title = title } )
	box:renderSection( {
		title = 'Informationen',
		col = 2,
		content = {
			box:renderItem( 'ID', self.frameArgs[ 'ID' ] ),
			box:renderItem( 'Veröffentlichung', smwData[ 'Erstelldatum' ] ),
	} )
	box:renderSection( {
		title = 'Quellen',
		content = {
			box:renderItem( {
				label = 'Wiki Comm-Link',
				data = string.format( '[[Comm-Link:%s]]', self.frameArgs[ 'ID' ] ),
			} ),
			box:renderItem( {
				label = 'Wiki API',
				data = string.format( '[ API]',  self.frameArgs[ 'ID' ] ),
			} ),
			box:renderItem( {
				label = 'Robert Space Industries',
				data = string.format( '[%s RSI]',  smwData[ 'Quelle' ] ),
			} )
	} )

    return tostring( box )

-- Add the Comm-Link ID as an attribute to the page
-- @return table SMW Result
function methodtable.setSemanticProperties( self )
    local setObj = {
        [ 'Comm-Link' ] = string.format( 'Comm-Link:%s', self.frameArgs[ 'ID' ] ),

    return mw.smw.set( setObj )

-- Retrieve all attributes from the Comm-Link:ID page
-- @return table
function methodtable.getSmwData( self )
    -- Cache multiple calls
    if self.smwData ~= nil then
        return self.smwData

    local data = mw.smw.ask( {
        '[[Comm-Link:' .. self.frameArgs[ 'ID' ] .. ']]',
    } )

    if data == nil or data[ 1 ] == nil then
        error( 'Kein Comm-Link mit ID "' .. self.frameArgs[ 'ID' ] .. '" gefunden.', 0 )

    self.smwData = data[ 1 ]

    return self.smwData

--- Set the frame and load args
--- @param frame table
function methodtable.setFrame( self, frame )
    self.currentFrame = frame
    self.frameArgs = require( 'Module:Arguments' ).getArgs( frame )

--- Template entry
function Portfolio.main( frame )
    local instance = Portfolio:new()
    instance:setFrame( frame )

    return tostring( instance:getInfoBox() ) .. '[[Kategorie:Portfolio]]'

--- New Instance
function self )
    local instance = {}

    setmetatable( instance, metatable )

    return instance

return Portfolio
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