Comm-Link:18836 - RSI Galaxy

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RSI Galaxy (18836)

ONE SHIP, COUNTLESS ADVENTURES Many vehicles stake a claim to versatility and lots of them can indeed handle multiple roles. But, through the Galaxy, RSI is redefining the depth of ability a multi-role ship is capable of. Your Galaxy can be a long-haul freighter, a mobile hospital, or an all-in-one refinery depending on which pro-spec module you outfit it with.

The Galaxy’s next-generation chassis is built around a configurable midship space that supports interchangeable modules, empowering you and your crew to take on a wide variety of professional roles. With a foredeck command center, an afterdeck that serves as a dedicated hangar or sizable cargo hold, and additional specialized modules in the works, whatever adventure you choose, the Galaxy provides.

MODULE FEATURES CARGO MED BAY REFINERY CARGO Turn your Galaxy into a professional-grade hauler with the 512 SCU cargo module.

MED BAY Operate a mobile medical center with top-flight facilities that you can customize to the needs of the mission at hand.

REFINERY Bolster any industrial operation or spearhead your own with the heavy-duty refinery module.

BASE FEATURES FOREDECK AFTERDECK WEAPONS FOREDECK Home to the command bridge, state-of-the-art crew habitation, and the ship’s docking collars, the foredeck is the brain of the Galaxy that keeps the whole operation running smoothly.

AFTERDECK Serving as a hangar capable of accommodating small to mid-size vehicles, the afterdeck ensures your expeditions and missions are always well-scouted and supplied.

WEAPONS Three tactically positioned manual turrets keep the Galaxy safe from unwanted interlopers.

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