Comm-Link:18818 - Anvil C8R Pisces

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Anvil C8R Pisces (18818)

LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND The C8 series of snub explorers and support craft is legendary in military and civilian circles; not only as the trusty companions to Carrack pathfinders but as powerful, capable ships in their own right.

C8s are regularly utilized in tight, difficult extractions, leading to the development of this newest member of the Pisces family, the rescue and recovery-focused C8R.

SEARCH Designed specifically to deploy from a Carrack pathfinder or other large vessel, the C8R is a deft and swift searcher thanks to its onboard scanner and wide-view cockpit that make picking out stranded personnel effortless.

RESCUE The C8R’s small size and high maneuverability are boons when taking on operations larger ships simply can’t handle; recover personnel from wrecks, caves, and other precarious spots. Of course, these missions can be unpredictable, and the C8R is prepared for the worst with a full complement of guns and missiles.

STABILIZE MedPens can only do so much. With the addition of an onboard Tier 3 medbed, the C8R treats minor injuries and keeps patients stable while transporting them to the safety of a larger ship or medical facility.

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