Comm-Link:18801 - Test Universe Champions

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Test Universe Champions (18801)

Test Universe Champions Before any update to Star Citizen hits the Live servers, it undergoes a rigorous set of testing phases on the Public Test Universe, or PTU for short. The most egregious of bugs and issues are smashed throughout these phases, thanks to your efforts. We've said it before, and we'll continue to shout it from the mountaintops of microTech: each and every one of you jumping in to test have sincerely made a meaningful impact on the development of Star Citizen, and we could not be more appreciative. Our shared universe exists only because of you and your contributions.

So, let's celebrate!

While we have a robust incentivization program planned down the road, in the short term, we wanted to draw a special spotlight on some of our top testing contributors, with rewards to boot! We plan to continue this new initiative for future patches, with new categories each cycle.

Whether you put in the most time, the best reports, or took out as many pirates' out as you could, the players listed below rose to the top and are absolute champions of the PTU! Please join us in congratulating those going the extra mile to bring the 'verse to life. THANK YOU!

Direction Correction This reward is for players that directed others to submit their Issue Council reports to the correct project. For being trustworthy in a 'verse of uncertainty, these players will receive a Crusader Mercury Star Runner.




Investigative Prowess Issue Council reports are far easier to investigate with as much evidence and context as possible, so we wanted to reward the most diligent of investigators. Players with the most evidence and comments submitted that resulted in Fixed issues will receive a Crusader C2 Hercules Starlifter for carrying the weight of the Issue Council on their shoulders.




Persistent Entities Things can change rapidly in the PTU, so this reward goes to the players who updated their Issue Council reports most consistently throughout the cycle. For defending their contributions so rigorously, these players will receive a Banu Defender.




Confirmation Bias Sometimes it pays to have both quantity AND quality, as this reward is for players with the most confirmed Issue Council reports. For eclipsing us with all these great submissions, these players will receive an Aegis Eclipse.




Consolidated Outliers With as many Issue Council reports as there are that come in, sometimes duplicates arise, and we want to reward people for helping us track those down. For redeeming our Live QA team's time spent on sifting through these submissions by reporting these duplicates, these players will receive an Aegis Redeemer.




Click Some Heads Playing through missions and tackling the challenges of the 'verse during the PTU is extremely valuable, both in testing out new features and verifying old ones are working properly. This reward goes to the players with the most AI kills with an FPS weapon. In order to bring more people with them next time, these players will receive an Anvil Valkyrie.




Tires Kicked, Fires Lit FPS AI aren't the only ones in the 'verse, and we wanted to reward players with the most ship AI kills specifically with a starter ship as this helps inform the experience from a new player's perspective. For taking on the 'verse even when the odds are against them, these players will receive an RSI Scorpius.




Achievement Hunters Mission content both new and old must be tested in the PTU, so this reward goes to the players with the most completed missions. For being the tip of the spear in taking on these challenges, these players will receive an Aegis Vanguard Sentinel.




Time to Kill Of course, one of the best things to help with PTU testing is simply spending time in-game, and these players were at the top of the charts. For their strength and steadfastness, these players will receive an Anvil Terrapin.




Shiny and Chrome New vehicles need PTU testing too, so this reward is for the players in Evocati who spent the most time testing the new hotness. Something old for something new, these players will receive an RSI Constellation Andromeda.




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