Comm-Link:18659 - Drake Mule

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Drake Mule (18659)

UNLEASH THE BEAST With countless contracts being swiped by corporate interests (or worse yet, the government), competition has never been stiffer for honest workers trying to earn their fair share.

So, who’s gonna get those precious few jobs up for grabs? Some rookie in an overloaded rover, or an experienced operator in a six-wheeled beast fine-tuned to dominate small freight?

They call Mules stubborn, but we say they just don’t know when to quit. From personal deliveries to stripping industrial freighters, the Mule is the beast for the job.

DETERMINED: GET DONE, GET PAID With room for six small boxes, you can quickly and efficiently execute the mission at hand; load up, hop in, and be on your way. No more fussing with oversized ships and unwieldy cargo bays, making countless trips on foot, or wasting fuel on simple planetside cargo runs.

UNCOMPROMISING: BEAST OF BURDEN The Mule is also your go-to workhorse when you need to get larger cargo into, out of, or across territory that can’t accommodate ships. Load up the spacious rear cargo bay and take on the harshest and most treacherous runs. Traversing the roughest terrain possible, the Mule simply works.

UNRELENTING: LOCK & LOAD The Mule’s built-in forklift allows for easy, hands-off loading of cargo onto or off larger vessels and cargo decks. In a pinch, the forklift can also be used for extra mobile storage.

(It should be noted that due to a pending patent issue, the Mule is shipping with lift loading functionality disabled. Contact your local authorized Drake dealership for information on when the full power of the forklift will be unlocked.)

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