Comm-Link:17332 - CitizenCon Merchandise - Pre-sale

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CitizenCon Merchandise - Pre-sale (17332)

Suit up! CitizenCon 2949 approaches, and with it a bevy of new and exciting merchandise! Existing ticketholders now have the option to pre-purchase the exclusive CitizenCon merch below for on-site event pickup, and for those not attending the big event, merchandise will be available on the website on November 23rd in traditional shipped-to-you style. Ticketholders, you can also purchase merchandise at the event itself with cash (cash purchases will not be associated with your RSI account) or on the website the day of with valid accepted payments – both options allowing you to still pick up your merch from the designated booth, in-person at the event. Please note that similar to last year, some items at CitizenCon are still top secret and will be unveiled live at the show. In addition, all merchandise is available in limited quantity, so we’re unable to guarantee everything will still be available on the big day. Lastly, for all the ticketholders out there, make sure to post pictures of you in your new threads on social media using #CitizenCon for a chance at being highlighted! See you in the ‘verse! Ticketholders can head over to the CitizenCon Pickup Merchandise Store to pre-purchase now.

If you’re not a ticketholder, check back on November 23rd!

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