Comm-Link:17315 - IAE 2949 - About the Expo

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IAE 2949 - About the Expo (17315)

The Year's Biggest Aerospace Event Fly Now About International Aerospace Expo The Intergalactic Aerospace Exposition, or IAE, is the universe’s premier space ship show and convention.

Changing locations annually, the Expo has made its home in the Stanton system for the last two years, landing in Lorville on Hurston for the 2948 event, and touching down in ArcCorp’s Area18 in 2949. It gives all players the opportunity to see some of the verse’s biggest, best, and most iconic ships up close, as different manufacturers take over the hall each day, and everything on display is available to test-fly for free.

For now, fly safe out there, and we’ll see you in 2950.

IAE2949 SCHEDULE Schedule About the expo Whitley's guide Fly Now Our sponsors We extend our sincere appreciation to our sponsors, without whom our season would not be possible.

Disclaimer We offer pledge vehicles to help fund Star Citizen’s development. The funding received from events such as this allows us to include deeper features in the Star Citizen world. These vehicles will be obtainable in the final universe and they are not required to start the game.

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