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A Word From Our Sponsors (17173)
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EXT. STANTON III – ARCCORP – PAST We follow behind a MAN holding hands with a young BOY as they walk through the hustle and bustle of ArcCorp’s streets.

ALEXEI DARIO (V.O.): There are trillions of people in the UEE, and every seven seconds… The man and the boy stop to gaze in the window.

Some foot traffic crosses in front of camera, blocking the view. When they clear frame – the boy is gone.

ALEXEI DARIO (V.O.): One of them disappears. The man notices the boy’s absence.

The world slows as panic sets in and the ambient noise fades out.

He spins around, searching the crowd frantically, a badge on his chest catches the light. The man is an Advocacy Agent. He shouts his son’s name.

INT. AVENGER – COCKPIT – TEN YEARS LATER Flying the AVENGER, is the same man, but older, the place where his badge was, now empty. This is ALEXEI DARIO. The years have not been kind since he left the Advocacy. The lights of the cockpit cast strong shadows along his well worn face.

ALEXEI DARIO (V.O.): My job is to find them. The sound rushes back. From the alarms and gunfire we know he is in a heated space battle.

The camera moves out of the cockpit and takes in the sleek form of the Aegis Avenger as it roars past, its nose Gatling chewing through rounds. The normal white paint job has been replaced by dangerous-looking black, punctuated by the red flare of its custom maneuvering thrusters. On the rear, we see the ship’s name written in clear lettering, “ALL IS NOT LOST” (ALLIS for quick reference in the script).

We cut wide to see that the Avenger is hurtling towards a fleet of OUTLAWS all firing at him. Right before they can slam together we -


INT. FACTORY An armed THUG shoves JUSTINE, a young girl in her mid-teens, towards VERONICA RAPT, a slaver in edgy leather. Veronica inspects Justine with a cool ambivalence.

VERONICA: I’m going to tell you three things you need to accept. EXT. ALLEYWAY Dario rushes full speed at a THUG and tackles him to the ground. Dario brings his face in close to the thug’s ear and snarls.

ALEXEI DARIO: Tell me where she is! EXT. LANDING PAD Several HENCHMEN with large guns circle the Allis which sits on the landing pad. Veronica grins at the ship.

VERONICA (V.O.): One, your life as you know it is over. She signals and the henchmen open fire on the ship.

INT. ADVOCACY OFFICE – DAY Dario sits handcuffed to a chair. Across from him, MARCUS ALBRIGHT, an Advocacy Agent and Dario’s former partner, shakes his head with a concerned look.

MARCUS ALBRIGHT: You keep telling me you’re trying to help, but look at you. You’re hanging on by a thread. EXT. ROOFTOP Dario clings to the edge of the rooftop by the tips of his fingers. The last of his strength gives out and he lets go, falling.

EXT. SPACE The Allis drops through the sky, its shields lighting up as it’s hit.

VERONICA (V.O.): Two, resistance will only bring you pain. The Allis launches two missiles at the Outlaws it’s engaging. The Avenger overtakes its missiles, flips on its side, and slips between the hostile ships just as they both explode.

INT. ADVOCACY OFFICE – DAY Back in the office.

MARCUS ALBRIGHT: I have orders, Dario. I can’t let you anywhere near this case. Dario looks up, anger burning in his eyes.

ALEXEI DARIO: Then try and stop me. EXT. STANTON III The Avenger weaves in and out of the buildings and breakneck speeds, hot on the pursuit.

DR. PONTROUS (V.O.): I did everything you asked. The weapons, the thrusters, the shielding. All past spec, all dangerous as hell. INT. HANGAR Dario walks around the Allis running his hand along her smooth shape. A small woman in a lab coat stands nearby with a datapad.

DR. PONTROUS: Just tell me one thing, Dario. ALEXEI DARIO: What’s that, doc? DR. PONTROUS: Why do it? Why risk your life for these people? ALEXEI DARIO: Because somebody’s got to. EXT. STANTON III The Avenger races towards a building and at the last minute, pulls up, vertically racing along its side. A ship crashes below him and explodes.

INT. FACTORY Justine, runs down narrow corridors looking over her shoulder like someone is chasing her.

EXT. LANDING PAD Dario dances in and out of the wheels of the Allis firing two twin pistols at the henchmen who surround him.

VERONICA (V.O): Three. No one’s going to save you. EXT. ROOFTOP Dario is still falling, but he rotates his body around and we see the Allis rise below him. Marcus is at the stick. Dario lands on the wing with a thump and slides towards the edge, but manages to grab a handhold of the wing before falling off.

EXT. SPACE The Allis is being pursued by the last three Outlaws. It weaves between some asteroids, decouples its engines and goes into a spin. The nose-mounted Gatling spins to life as it swings around to bear. The Cutlasses try to break away, but it’s too late. Bullets shred their hulls.

INT. AVENGER – COCKPIT Dario screams as the gunfire lights his face.

INT. FACTORY Justine races towards the double doors at the end of the hallway and bursts through them, the sunlight outside filling the screen.

EXT. LANDING PAD – CONTINUOUS Justine rushes outside to see the Allis hovering above the landing pad. Dario is standing in the open aft cargo-hold with his hand outstretched toward Justine. She reaches out her own hand and rushes towards him.

She is almost there when the Factory behind her explodes in a giant fireball, sending her flying forward, flames licking her heels.


ANNOUNCER (V.O.): The Avenger. THE AVENGER tv show logo animates on screen.

ANNOUNCER (V.O.): Coming soon to Terra Spectrum Broadcasting.

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