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Comm-Link:13638 - TNGS Poll: Vote for the Save!

Aus Star Citizen Wiki
TNGS Poll: Vote for the Save! (13638)

Greetings Citizens, Make sure you catch tonight’s episode of The Next Great Starship! Over the last three weeks, the Next Great Starship judges have eliminated four teams. But all is not lost: Star Citizen’s backers can vote this weekend to save them. The two most popular teams will be allowed to stay in the race! The teams in jeopardy are Eris Heavy Manufacturing, Tallon Corp, Visioncut and 3Dingo. You can review their submissions here and then pick your favorite below. Who do you think should make the cut?

Hurry, the polls close Sunday at midnight, EST!

Update : The votes are in, tune in Friday, March 21st at 6PM EST to find out which 2 teams are brought back in!

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