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Comm-Link:13577 - Kickstarter: Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Aus Star Citizen Wiki
Kickstarter: Kingdom Come: Deliverance (13577)

Greetings Citizens, You may recall that I occasionally use this space to highlight other crowd funded projects that I feel Star Citizen’s backers might be interested in. It’s a rare treat when a Kickstarter announcement genuinely impresses me… and Kingdom Come: Deliverance has done just that.

What first drew me to Kingdom Come was the game’s launch trailer, embedded above. Like Star Citizen, the team at Warhorse has launched their project with a graphically stunning video that showcases actual gameplay… and it is intense! Also like Star Citizen, the game is built on the CryEngine. They’re using the same technology to do for swords and armor what we are doing for spaceships and alien worlds.

Kingdom Come doesn’t just look like a great game, though: it looks like something we on the Star Citizen team could learn from. The characters and outfits I saw working in-engine in the trailer impressed me so much that I contacted the team to talk about what was going on under the hood. Star Citizen doesn’t need peasants and knights… but it does need a robust character creation system for the persistent universe. And that technology is exactly what Warhorse is building for the CryEngine.

The good news is: the team at Warhorse isn’t just an incredible talented group of people… they’re also kindred spirits who are willing to share the work they’ve done! We will be sharing with them the tricks for working with CryEngine we’ve learned over the last 18 months and they will be letting us in on the secrets and the tech behind what they’re doing! I’ve always said that independent developers should stick together, and the potential good for both games that can come from this unofficial partnership is proof positive!

I encourage all Citizens to take a look at Warhorse’s Kickstarter. If you’re a fan of the kind of detail we put into Star Citizen, it may be something you’d enjoy. If not, it’s still a great example of some of the incredible things that are possible with CryEngine. I think they’re doing incredible work and I’m proud to have backed the game myself.

— Chris Roberts

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