Comm-Link:13342 - Hornet Gallery & Jump Point Released!

Aus Star Citizen Wiki
Hornet Gallery & Jump Point Released! (13342)

Greetings Citizens,

We’ve had a number of requests for high-resolution versions of the Hornet imagery used in Tuesday’s brochure. To that end, we’ve created a gallery of cool Hornet shots, including a few that haven’t been seen before. We hope you enjoy… it’s one sexy fighter!

Attention Subscribers: Issue 11 of Jump Point is now available! You can find Jump Point in your Subscriber area under My RSI. This issue looks at the MISC Freelancer and the recent Cloud Imperium modular design summit. That plus a Galactic Guide on the Centauri System, original Star Citizen fiction and more!

Jump Point is the Star Citizen magazine provided each month to development subscribers. Subscribers help fund Star Citizen’s development and specific extras, like the weekly Wingman’s Hangar show! Interested in subscribing? You can learn more here.

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