Comm-Link:13099 - RSI Prime Livestream

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RSI Prime Livestream (13099)

Welcome to the RSI Prime Livestream event! We’re kicking off the new site launch with a 24-hour event updating you on the latest from Star Citizen’s development and celebrating our amazing fans. Chris Roberts and the team will be on hand all night to interact with fans and make some exciting announcements.

We will be broadcasting live across up to six feeds at once from the CIG Austin and CIG Los Angeles offices. You can watch the teams interact in the top conference room camera and then catch up with the specific offices in the others. Updates will be posted periodically in the Comm-Link, as will special event-specific stretch goals! Every $100,000 raised will see alternate updates unlocking new star systems or revealing the next part of a Spectrum Dispatch serial… with a surprise or two in the mix as well.

We will be selling several new products revealed during the stream and offering the limited edition shipis available previously only during the last livestream. Remember that this is to create the first full crowd funded AAA game and not to offer any special in-game advantage. No one should feel expected to back twice or to purchase anything thinking they will need it in the finished game. All the digital ships and items will be available in the game for game credits. If you’ve already pledged, the best thing you can do is to share this site with your friends… more people means a stronger community and a bigger living universe when the game is finished!

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