Comm-Link:13057 - Terra PreViz and ORIGIN 300i Coming Soon!

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Terra PreViz and ORIGIN 300i Coming Soon! (13057)

Greetings Citizens,

We recently shared the ‘previz’ video put together by the team at Behaviour for landing in the Stanton system (available here.)

Pre-visualization is a development technique that combines motion with static storyboards to let a team understand how a finished mechanic should look and act so that they can build towards them. In the case of Stanton, the previz allows the team to see how they should build the different portions of the level in the CryEngine, from the planet in space to the wide cityscapes to the individual landing platforms and sites you will someday visit.

Today we would like to show you a second previz from another team we’ve partnered with for Star Citizen. This segment shows the approach to the Terra System. It was put together by voidALPHA, a San Francisco-based team headed by veteran Wing Commander producer Mark Day. Just like Behaviour in Canada is building out Stanton, voidALPHA is responsible for Terra! Note that this is a very early first pass; we’ll be sharing a lot more detail as it comes together! Enjoy:

300i Promotion

We’ve had a lot of Citizens writing to ask when the next ship brochure and promotion will launch. We’re pleased to announce that the official reveal for the ORIGIN 300i interceptor will take place in this space next Friday. Check back then to learn all about this exciting luxury spacecraft and to get exclusive offers on the 300i and variants! The team at Cloud Imperium is very happy with how the design has turned out and we can’t wait to share all the details with you.

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