Comm-Link:12942 - New York Concept Art

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New York Concept Art (12942)

Last week, we showed you the concept art for Moscow and explained that it was the first of three “mood pieces” done to try and figure out how Earth looks and feels in the 30th century. The team has gone back and forth until the tone and the overall atmosphere of the environment are right. The next step will be to create more concept art showing both the detailed “ground level” and a more distant “far away” view. The ground level shots will go into greater detail for the level layout and will help show modelers understand what assets we need and the designers how these assets will be laid out. For example, we’ll need to create specific ship dealers, guild halls and bars that you can visit when you land in New York… and we’ll need to design different hangars capable of hosing a variety of different player ships! We’re looking forward to sharing the rest of the process with you as it takes shape, but for now enjoy the New York skyline circa 2942:

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